Welcome to the April edition of the Bailiwick Legal newsletter. 

This newsletter is for our clients, friends of our practice and special interest groups.

This month we are focusing on the evolving COVID-19 situation, and have put together four articles centred on this topic in this newsletter. We hope they will be of assistance to all our readers. Stay safe!
Legal Insights
6 changes to protections for bankruptcy and debtors in light of COVID-19

In response to the significant impact COVID-19 is having on individuals and businesses across Australia, the  Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020 (Cth) has been enacted to provide an economic response and deal with other matters relating to the coronavirus. Schedule 12 deals with temporary relief for financially distressed individuals and businesses, including the following temporary changes.... Read More »

COVID-19 and working from home


In light of the global Covic-19 pandemic we find ourselves in, many businesses are forced to adopt various measures to keep afloat and workers employed. One of the more sensible options is to let employees work from home while trying to self-isolate themselves from the rest of society.  We understand that this will not be a solution for all employers however. Regardless of whether your employee is working from home during this pandemic episode or when the dust settles after, there are a few things an employer should consider.... Read More »

COVID-19: Dealing with conflicitng terms in the tourism supply chain


While many businesses are having to deal with customer rights and obligations in the fall out of the current global COVID-19 situation, things become more complicated when you add a middleman. Within the tourism and hospitality sector, travel agents (and other operators acting in the capacity of a travel agent) play an important role in connecting service providers (e.g. tour and experience providers, hotels and carriers) with their customers.... Read More »

Employment matters Q&A: COVID-19


One of the most significant fall outs for SME’s from this unexpected scenario will be balancing employees’ work and entitlements against a likely reduced turnover and cashflow.  Below are some of the most pressing Q & A’s coming from employers trying to clarify their business risk and projections.... Read More »

COVID-19 Assistance
If you need legal assistance with COVID-19 issues,
we offer the following services:

Rent deferral - $497

Loan deferral - $997

General lease advice - $997

Deferral of legal action - $497 to $997

Letter to suppliers (phone, power, etc.) - $247

Employee working from home policy - $597

Employment issues depend on individual circumstances,
however we are happy to provide a quote upon request.

Note: All fees quoted above are exclusive of GST and disbursements

Ph 9321 5451   |   admin@bailiwicklegal.com.au

Bailiwick Legal Online
We are still physically social distancing, but we are not e-social distancing! We have been keeping active in the virtual space.

Brian has produced a couple of videos on the subject of COVID-19 - watch them at the Bailiwick Legal YouTube channel

Also available is this Corona Virus Q&A video interview featuring Phil produced by our colleagues at Relevant.

Keep in touch online, and follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook for our latest news and updates.
Other News
Bailwick Legal is still with you, for you. We are running business as usual at this time, within the confines of official restrictions and guidelines. Our lawyers are currently mostly working from home, but can still be reached via emails, or you can call the office and request for a call-back.

We hope you are all coping and staying safe at this time. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can assist in any way.

We would also love to hear from you, particularly if you have any feedback about how we can do better. Feel free to email us any time at admin@bailiwicklegal.com.au or if we have impressed you, give us a Google Review!
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Level 2 44A Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

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