Welcome to the June edition of the Bailiwick Legal newsletter. 

This newsletter is for our clients, friends of our practice and special interest groups.

We continue to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and are keeping updated with the latest changes. We hope our articles will be of assistance to all our readers. Stay safe!

We're offering a free webinar with Safe Farms WA - look under Other News for the link to register. There's also a bonus offer of 20% discount to participants who sign up for the Safe Farms package!
Legal Insights
What a relief – WA’s COVID-19 Code of Conduct is finally released


In my previous article, ‘New Laws Supporting Tenancies Through COVID-19’, I explored the provisions of the then proposed  Residential Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020 and  Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020. These bills have since been passed as the  Residential Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 and  Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 respectively.... Read More »

Contracts in the time of COVID19 – Dealing with contractual rights and responsibilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Many businesses are currently dealing with the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, including restrictions placed by the State and Federal Governments, as well as measures taken by businesses to protect their staff and customers. At Bailiwick Legal we have had many conversations over the last few weeks with business operators impacted by the current circumstances, relating to their rights and responsibilities under their contracts with customers, suppliers, employees and other parties.... Read More »

Federal Court Reinforces Need for Express Contractual Terms


Recently, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia issued its decision in the matter of WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2020] FCAFC 84 (Rossato), a decision which sent shockwaves across businesses in Australia in relation to the engagement of casual workers. In Rossato, the Full Court made several key determinations - Firstly, that Mr Rossato was not a casual employee because.... Read More »

COVID-19 Assistance
If you need legal assistance with COVID-19 issues,
we offer the following services:

Rent deferral - $497

Loan deferral - $997

General lease advice - $997

Deferral of legal action - $497 to $997

Letter to suppliers (phone, power, etc.) - $247

Employee working from home policy - $597

Employment issues depend on individual circumstances,
however we are happy to provide a quote upon request.

Note: All fees quoted above are exclusive of GST and disbursements

Ph 9321 5451   |   admin@bailiwicklegal.com.au

Bailiwick Legal Online
Bailiwick Legal - the Legal Brief

Our latest video is out - "What a relief – WA’s COVID-19 Code of Conduct is finally released!". Following on from Danielle's article, ‘New Laws Supporting Tenancies Through COVID-19’, where she explored the provisions of the then proposed Residential Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020 and Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020, this video discusses the much anticipated release by the government on 29 May 2020 of WA’s code of conduct (“Code”) under Schedule 1 of the Commercial Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Regulation 2020. You can also read the full article about the release at: 

For more videos check out the Bailiwick Legal YouTube channel.
Follow Bailiwick Legal on LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook for our latest news.
Other News
Join us for a free interactive webinar and forum as part of the SafeFarms WA "Farm Safety Webinar Series"

Are you providing training & information to your workers according to OSH law? Does your insurance cover you?

Bailiwick Legal will be participating in a facilitated session with Maree Gooch from SafeFarms WA and Russell Bresland from Bresland Insurance who will present on your legal obligations about the OSH Act (WA) 1984 and what it means for your Insurance Cover.

Phil Brunner will provide insights and information about how the legislation should be applied to your business, while Russell Bresland from Bresland Insurance will provide valuable information about insurance cover.

Register via the link below and you will be sent a link to join by Zoom or phone:


Bonus offer: SafeFarms WA is offering a 20% discount to any participants of the webinar who sign up for their Safe Farm Safety System package before the 30 June 2020.

Bailwick Legal is still with you, for you. We are back to work as usual now that COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed. We are all back on board working out of our office in West Perth, being careful to upkeep sanitising and safety practices.

Departure of Karolina Rzymkowska - We would like to announce that Karolina has resigned from Bailiwick Legal. Rest assured that matters that were under Karolina's supervision have been handed over to other members of our team with appropriate expertise, and we will continue to look after you to ensure your requirements are met. We wish her the best and the Bailiwick Legal team looks forward to helping you with your matters in her stead.

We would love to hear from you, particularly if you have any feedback about how we can do better. Feel free to email us any time at admin@bailiwicklegal.com.au or if we have impressed you, give us a Google Review!
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Level 2 44A Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

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