News & Events
This month we are celebrating Bailiwick's 8th birthday and I want to thank you for being part of our journey thus far. We have had our ups and downs over the years but as we near a decade I can confirm that the highs outweigh the lows.
When I wrote last, the team was getting ready to go out on the road as we commenced our Regional Hot Desks across WA. The team, in between Covid outbreaks, has been regularly popping into Beverley, Cunderdin, Merredin, Moora, Northam, and York and will continue to do so as it has proved very popular. To find out when we are in a town near you click here, otherwise if you would like us to visit your town please reach out to us. 
Next month we will join the team at WAFarmers and head to Dowerin for the GWN7 Machinery Field Days. Please come in to chat with one of the team members or share a beer at the sundowner.
Thank you
Phil Brunner
Phil & Matilda's Facebook Lives
Each month Phil and Matilda take to Facebook live to discuss a current issue, such as Loan Repayments with Carbon Credits, Negotiating Access and Compensation Agreements and The Family Farm Exemption. Check out their latest lives on Facebook. 
Loan Repayments with Carbon Credit: Facebook Live
Negotiating Access and Compensation Agreements: Facebook Live
The Family Farm Exemption: Facebook Live
Regional Legal Hot Desk
Last month we started our first Regional Legal Hotdesks for 2023. It has been wonderful to get back out into the regions and continue to offer our services to rural communities. Matilda and Richard have attended Cunderdin, Beverley, York, Moora, Dowerin, Corrigin and Brookton so far. Richard will next be in Quairading on 15th March, then Merredin on the 16th and Northam on the 17th. See our schedule below for upcoming dates!

Upcoming Hot Desks
WA Shearing Industry Association General Meeting 21 January 2023
On 21 January 2023 Phil, Anna and Matilda attended the WA Shearing Industry Association General Meeting. Phil along with representatives from the industry delivered presentations on training programs, Work Health and Safety laws, and the basics of contractual agreements between growers and contractors and contractors and their employees.
The General Meeting provided us with an opportunity to hear about the current challenges in industry that contractors are facing. We were also introduced to the technological advancements within the industry, including the introduction of eBale, which is a technology that allows contractors and growers to identify and trace the origins of the bales of wool via a QR Code that is printed on wool bale labels.
WAFarmers Esperance Roadshow
During February Matilda attended the WAFarmers Esperance Roadshow. The Roadshow started with the Blackwood Zone meeting in Kojonup on 7 February and then the Albany Zone meeting on 8 February which was followed by a presentation by DPIRD on the implementation of individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats.
The Roadshow then progressed to Esperance for a farm tour with local, John Wallace followed by the Livestock and Grains Council Meetings and Esperance Zone AGM and General Meeting followed by a networking sundowner.
WITH WA Annual General Meeting

On 8 February, Anna and our new team member Melissa Catto attended the Women in Hospitality and Tourism WA (WITH WA) Annual General Meeting. It was a great occasion that highlighted the fabulous meetings and events that WITH WA organised for their members in 2022 – all of which Bailiwick Legal was pleased to have been a part of. The meeting was also an opportunity to farewell the Founder and Chairperson of WITH WA, Margaret Wilson, officially stepping down from the position she has held since the association was formed back in 2019. Bailiwick Legal looks forward to continuing our support of WITH WA and their exciting Mentoring Insights Circle commencing in March.
Farm Office Affairs
Join Richard at the Farm Office Affairs
this coming March 17, 2023 at Quarading Community Building (Town Oval) from 1 pm - 5 pm, as he talks for all farming partners about: 
-Offer your grain at your price with CGX
-Global Decarbonisation, Ag Zero 2030 explains
-Gun Gossip with Steelo and more.
Book your spot online:
or in person at the Quarading CRC.
Danielle Twins
Congratulations to Danielle and Todd on the arrival of their gorgeous twin boys. The boys made an appearance just before Christmas and Danielle is spending this precious time with them. Although we miss having her in the office we are loving the baby spam.
Lawyer Network
Phil has been selected as the exclusive Agribusiness Lawyer Network Member for Australia

More info here. Worth noting he is the only Agribusiness legal specialist on the network.
2022 Doyle's Guide Awards
We are extremely proud of our team at Bailiwick for once again receiving the Doyle's Guide Leading Agribusiness Law Firm Award for 2022, and even prouder of Phil for being awarded once again as Preeminent Agribusiness Lawyer in Western Australia in the 2022 Doyle’s Guide.
The listing details solicitors practising in both commercial agribusiness matters in the WA legal market who have been identified by clients and peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Legal Insights

Legal Insight: Is Carbon Farming right for you?

In the last year the value of global carbon markets has surged to a record of $851 billion, which has certainly attracted more farmers to carbon farming.  $815 billion dollars!!
To help farmers navigate carbon and this growing industry we did a Live on our Facebook page (which you should definitely check out), but if you missed it, continue reading on our website.
Coming up for Bailiwick Legal...
See what our clients are saying...

An honest, impartial, and professional forum for advice. Very experienced representation and guidance in legal challenges and court presentations.

- Tony

Thank you very much for your professional and kind assistance in this matter – helping Ralph and I prepare our Wills - you both have made this whole process easy and manageable for us and we would NOT hesitate to recommend Bailiwick Legal with confidence to anyone. So thank you once again as we settle this matter, please know that we are very grateful.

- Ralph and Monica
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Level 2, 44A Kings Park Road, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia

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